Hasty Treat - The Weird and Wonderful <link> Tag
Discussion on the various uses of the link HTML tag beyond just linking.
Discussion on the various uses of the link HTML tag beyond just linking.
Emailer asks Wes and Scott to explain the basics of building a website from scratch using HTML, CSS and JavaScript for beginners with no experience.
Scott and Wes discuss TypeScript utility types, explaining what they are and why you might use them.
Wes and Scott answer developer questions about WordPress vs advanced tech for clients, backend hosting, Drupal, CSS strategies, preparing for job interviews, home cooling fan setups, and podcast recommendations.
Wes and Scott discuss the latest and greatest in web development including GitHub Copilot, Next.js 11, Astro, Notion API, Petite Vue, Stackblitz, Solid JS 1.0, Stately, and Web3.
Wes and Scott from Syntax podcast join Chris and Dave from ShopTalk podcast for a crossover episode. They discuss their podcast goals, current web development stacks they use and like such as Next.js and SvelteKit, how WordPress compares, and more.
This episode covers different techniques and best practices for favicons, including file formats, sizes, optimization, animation, dark mode support, and more.
In today's potluck episode, Scott and Wes answer listener questions on topics like Svelte vs React, severing project ties, permissions-based APIs, Rescript, and more.
Scott and Wes discuss Stylelint, a powerful linting tool for CSS that helps enforce code quality and consistency.
React 18 is introducing automatic batching, suspense, strict mode, useTransition hook, SSR streaming, and more. There are great explainers on the React docs.